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The Return of the Bot | The Story Behind the Smartest Banking Bot in Italy!
MArIO Bot was the first Artificial Intelligence Chatbot deployed in production in an Italian Bank, it's story told at Chatbot Summit Tel Aviv 2018. What happened ever since? What have been the challenges and solutions to move from the first project to much larger ones? How was the scale up of Chatbots inside one of the largest banks? MArIO is back, ready to share more lessons learned from the trenches!
June 26
10 mins
Matteo Baido
Head of IT Innovation, UBI Banca

Matteo joined the Financial Services in 2004 as a consultant and then in organizational roles in UBI Banca, leading italian retail bank; he has recently started in his role as a full time innovator. His experience in UBI Banca spans over projects related to core banking products development, digital transformation, bank merger integration, efficiency and innovation in distribution network and branch transformation. He has a previous 4 years experience in retail goods manufacturing and 5 years in management consulting. He holds a Degree in Engineering and an MBA at Bocconi Business School.
Alessandro Vitale
Founder & CEO, Conversate

Alessandro Vitale is an expert in Artificial Intelligence, a serial entrepreneur, and a book author. In 2016 he founded Conversate in London, the first enterprise platform for intelligent chatbots. Previously he founded Optimist AI, building Augmented Intelligence algorithms for sales people since 2010. Before being an entrepreneur, he worked for years in the strategy department of Siemens with growing responsibilities in Italy and Europe. He is a member of the coordination board of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force of Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale.
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