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Open Plaza Talk

Enrich Your Chatbot With AI Capabilities

Using IBM Watson AI services your chatbot will be able to understand unstructured data like pictures and voice. Today chatbots mostly able to answer text input but in the near future they will be requested to do more. Come and hear about Watson services that can take your chatbot to the next level.

June 26

10 mins


Tal Neaman

Tal Neaman

Developer Advocate, IBM

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Tal Neaman is a Developer Advocate in IBM Alpha Zone Accelerator. He is responsible to make it easy for developers to use IBM Cloud Platform. Tal conducts workshops and lectures about cloud computing, blockchain, AI, mobile development, kubernetes, docker, servereless, IoT and various technologies that can be used in IBM Cloud for start-ups and developers communities. As a part of being a Developer Advocate, Tal is also responsible for developing cloud based applications using micro-services such as Watson services for chatbots, speech analysis and other NLP-Based and AI application to help other developers start their cloud application faster.


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