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Hands-on with CALM: An LLM-native approach to reliable conversational AI

Alan will give an in-depth, hands-on tutorial to building assistants with CALM, Rasa’s new, LLM-native approach to building reliable conversational AI. We’ll start by bootstrapping a new assistant, integrating advanced branching logic, API integrations, and handling advanced conversations, including digressions, disambiguation, interruption, context switching, and users changing their minds. The tutorial will cover both pro-code and low-code approaches to building with Rasa.

Oct 11

10:00 - 12:00

Classroom C

Alan Nichol, PhD

Alan Nichol, PhD

Co-Founder & CTO, Rasa

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Dr. Alan Nichol is the co-founder and CTO of Rasa. Dr. Nichol has a PhD in machine learning from the University of Cambridge, and is highly accomplished in the conversational AI field. He has successfully built and delivered AI products with significant impact. As a key driving force behind Rasa, Dr. Nichol played a pivotal role in establishing Rasa as the standard open-source infrastructure for conversational AI, earning him widespread recognition in the field.


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