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Dor Skuler

Live Show of Robot Companion ElliQ

The abstract and description of this talk will be provided soon. Stay tuned for updated on this and more talks which we'll be announcing in the next few weeks.

June 26

10 mins


Dor Skuler

Dor Skuler

CEO & Co-Founder, Intuition Robotics

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A serial entrepreneur, Dor Skuler has co-founded five ventures, the most recent being Intuition Robotics, following his passion to develop AI technology to empower digital companions to improve people’s lives. Dor joined Alcatel-Lucent to create and lead innovative ventures, most notably Cloudband (NYSE:ALU), the world’s first platform for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), cited by Nokia as a major motive to purchasing the French-American telecoms giant. As Senior Vice President at Alcatel-Lucent, Dor was a regular speaker on the telecoms circuit, frequently cited in the media and made the Global Telecom Business ’40 under 40’ list in 2009, 2011 and 2013. Dor holds an MBA and Master’s of Science in Marketing from Temple University, has co-authored ‘Cloud Computing: Business Trends and Technologies’ published by Wiley in 2016 and holds board level advisory and director roles for several telecoms, cybersecurity, and tech-led social impact ventures.


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