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00:00 - 00:00

Horizon Highlights

Exploring the Intersection of Web3 and GenAI: Synergetic Fusion or Opposing Developments?


Sead Ahmetovic

Amir Mabhout, Dr.

Ulrike Lierow-Schad

About This Horizon

This Horizon delves into the convergence of Web3 and Generative AI, examining their potential for synergetic fusion versus opposing developments. It explores the transformative implications for industries, highlighting innovation opportunities and challenges in integrating these disruptive technologies.

Time & Place

March 20, 2024

00:00 - 00:00

The Ritz-Cartlon Berlin

Grand Ballroom III

20 Roundtable Seating of 6

120 Seats

Horizon Sessions

How a developer thinks about the trends of AI and Web3

Sead Ahmetovic

CEO & Co-Founder, WeAreDevelopers

Sead Ahmetović, CEO and Co-founder of WeAreDevelopers, leads his team on the mission of empowering tech talents and accelerating their careers. WeAreDevelopers runs Europe's leading career platform for developers and gained global recognition as host of the WeAreDevelopers World Congress. This event regularly features global tech industry superstars such as Steve Wozniak, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Brenda and John Romero, Angie Jones, Joel Spolsky, Garry Kasparov, and hundreds more, establishing it as the world's flagship event for developers and tech leaders.
Sead’s track record includes founding multiple successful businesses and advising leading firms such as Microsoft, Google, Volkswagen, IBM, Accenture, and EY, as well as serving as a consultant for the United Nations Development Programme.
Most recently, Sead was honored as one of the 'Top 40 under 40' entrepreneurs by the leading German business magazine, Capital, an award for outstanding individuals from politics, business and society.

Breaking Big Tech’s Data Monopoly and democratize AI with the Social Data Ledger

Amir Mabhout, Dr.

Founder and CEO, datalatte

Amir, an entrepreneur with a PhD in Microelectronics from TU Berlin and a self-taught Web3 engineer, founded Datalatte. His work focuses on the intersection of AI, data, and blockchain, aiming to democratize data and AI while promoting data sovereignty.

Use-cases in Blockchain & AI I’m betting on

Ulrike Lierow-Schad

MD Berlin, CV Labs

As Managing Director Berlin, she is responsible for the German location of CV Labs and helps start-ups, companies, and investors to use blockchain technology to transform industries, create better services and develop new marketplaces. CV Labs offers Web3 locations in Zug (CH), Vaduz, Cape Town, Lisbon and Berlin, operates its own accelerator, international industry events and research publications.


Agenda & Activities

  • Into - 5 Mins

  • Lightning Keynotes - 10-15 Minutes Each

  • Table Discussion - 10 Minutes

  • Q&A - 20 Minutes

  • Outro - 5 Minutes

Horizon Author

Eric Holst

Senior Communications Advisor & Web3 Expert, Piabo

Eric has been working in the Web3 industry for seven years and has developed awareness of Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Crypto through meetups, conferences, and lectures.

Horizon Moderator

To Be Revealed


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