Stefan Schaffer
Stefan Schaffer is a Senior Researcher and Head of the Human-AI Interaction group at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Cognitive Assistants department.
As project leader of numerous industrial and applied research projects, he realised human-AI interfaces utilising conversational, multisensory, and implicit interaction for domains such as mobility, automotive, tax information, customer service, etc.
Currently, he is working on AI chatbots for value chains and hybrid events. Before joining DFKI, Stefan worked as a product manager at Linon Medien. He studied communication science and computer science and did his doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin in the field of multimodal human-computer interaction.
The DFKI department Cognitive Assistants (COS) focuses on the development of basic principles of multimodal Human-Machine Interaction and personalized dialogue systems that integrate speech, gestures, and facial expressions with physical interaction. In the COS research group Human-AI Interaction we investigate the interconnections between applied AI technologies and UX. In our research and industry projects, we build conversational and multimodal dialogue systems for diverse applications in different domains.