We’re operating in full swing as we’re preparing for the Summit in Berlin this fall so naturally we thought we should take a moment to step aside and talk about what excites us most about the conference.
Here are our team members answers:
Batya Mor, Head of Partnerships & #Startup #Ecosystem
What excites you about #chatbots?
Chatbots allow us to communicate using natural language and it's exciting! #Conversation is a part of who we are as humans. It is about time, that the technology around us will understand us as we understand each other; in a natural language. Chatbot Summit's mission is to empower the ecosystem so we could all have better interactions with the technologies, which eventually will make our lives easier.
How have you seen the community change over the years?
It is growing! And growing rapidly! We're starting to see significant growth in understanding how consumer brands deploy conversational experiences. We see more startups growing and we’re seeing a lot more investors in the area.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
I’m looking forward to meeting community members and to hear more success stories in the industry.
Tal Soffer - Director of Business Development
What excites you about chatbots?
Chatbots are easing the way we communicate with one another. Communicating between #consumers and #brands is in the process of becoming smoother, and I love the #efficiency it has brought to our lives.
How have you seen the community change over the years?
Chatbots was originally a small #niche, which has now become of huge interest to all types of corporations. It is a hot topic of conversation and is now becoming a sexier niche for companies to adopt.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
I love to see start-up brands, investors, and executives from all over the world interact and collaborate on one of the world's hottest topics in #hightech.
Valeria Degtyarenko - Partnerships Manager
What excites you about chatbots?
In many ways, chatbots make our lives easier. And their growth in the past couple of years is insane, how can you not be excited about that?
How have you seen the community change over the years?
My background is in the #travel industry, and I always try to stay in touch with it. Over the past year, I've noticed that more companies in this industry started to use chatbots and it’s really cool to see the impact chatbots have on all different industries.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
I look forward to meeting those #innovating and vastly impacting the industry. I’m looking forward to learning about the new trends in the industry.
Elizabeth Schwartz - Head of Communications & Speaker Relations
What excites you about chatbots?
The impact it has on multiple industries! You can see chatbots in any industry and apply it to many different use cases. My favorite area is the #hospitality and travel industries where I can ask bots for recommendations on what to visit based on my preferences!
How have you seen the community change over the years?
Despite being in love with the hospitality and travel industries, I take an interest in more impactful chatbot services. For example, I have seen the community expand into medicine and #mentalhealth, which is a huge global issue, but one that is a relevant #conversation in the United States. There is a negative social stigma around the conversation of mental health, and I find that these bots are now encouraging dialogue in this field. I truly hope that chatbots in this area will #positively impact those who seek it.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
To learn about new the new bots disrupting the health industry.
Vika Barel - Head of Operations
What excites you about chatbots?
Chatbots are #revolutionizing the way we have conversations. This in and of itself excites me.
How have you seen the community change over the years?
I never imagined seeing so much growth, and it is beautiful to be a part of these rapid changes.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
I look forward to meeting more people in the community and watching this year be the best one yet!
And from our founder!
Yoav Barel...
What excites you about chatbots?
I think chatbots enable us to communicate with technology using our own natural language... just like we do with friends and family in our every day lives.
How have you seen the community change over the years?
I think it started with a big #hype and over expectation and now the industry is much more #mature. It is working to create great experiences that will change the experiences of daily people.
What do you look forward to most at the event?
Meeting all of our new members in the #ChatbotSummit community while collaborating with our existing members.
Feeling the fire too? Reach out and tell us about what excites you about our community, and if your answers have us drooling - you can expect a special shout out or post highlighting them =)
Chatbots are a good implementation of artificial intelligence and customer experience model. They provide a passive way for users to talk to the proprietors without getting any hassle
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Chatbots are an essential part of going to converse with the customers and business builders. They reduce a lot of time and easy to build business 247. <a href="https://medium.com/brandlitic/how-can-chatbots-in-digital-marketing-increase-user-engagement-ratio-2274e5d2c593">chatbot in digital marketing</a>
Chatbots are an essential part of going to converse with the customers and business builders. They reduce a lot of time and easy to build business 247. <a href="https://medium.com/brandlitic/how-can-chatbots-in-digital-marketing-increase-user-engagement-ratio-2274e5d2c593">how to use chatbots in digital marketing</a>